What's the whole story?

Dear Pastor,

My brother is living in Kingston and has been married for the past five years.

His wife and himself have three children together. He got married when he was very young. He did not have anyone to guide him. Now that his wife left him with the three children to live with her boyfriend, she does not want to play her part in taking care of the children. How can he go about getting a divorce?


Ontario, Canada

Dear D.D.,

I am sure that this woman did not just get up one day out of the blue and decide to leave your brother and her children behind.

No, no, I don't believe that at all. Women who are well-treated and respected by their husbands do not walk away like that.


Sometimes when women are very unhappy with their husbands and the men threaten them and tell them that they cannot take the children with them, for the sake of peace, they walk away leaving the children behind. Some women stay and continue to be abused. I wish I could hear from your sister-in-law why she left your brother and the children. Concerning the divorce, he should seek the help of a lawyer.
