Dear Pastor,
Big up! You are a good man. Keep up your good work. I couldn't imagine I would be writing to you after reading so many of your topics. I met a girl here in Atlanta at my school. The truth is, I like her, but it is just her ways that make me say she is not girlfriend material. She has a lot of nude pictures in her room that guys look at and she behaves like a loose woman sometimes.
Because I haven't had sex for a while, I became lustful and fell to her seductive ways. I got stuck and now I want to go because it doesn't feel right to me. I feel like I let down myself. I feel I can do much better than that. I really want a girlfriend that is of good quality.
Now that I have done it with her I want to get out, but how can I do that? It goes against everything I believe in. She is so into me right now it is scaring me. She is acting as if we are married. I don't want to hurt her but I can't continue hurting myself either. I wish it would all go away.
N.G., Atlanta
Dear N.G.,
Speak the truth, you like what this woman has done to you. She excited you and you find it difficult now to pull away. Yes, it may be true that when you are alone you try to convince yourself that you shouldn't be going with her but she is like a magnet and whenever she calls or you see her, you are drawn closer to her and you feel like you can't resist her. You know that if you don't learn to run you are going to go deeper and deeper into the relationship with her.
So, hear me now, call her and tell her that you wish to end the relationship with her. Tell her that it was a one-night stand affair, but you realize that she wants to make it permanent. Let her know that you cannot continue. She may curse you and even threaten you, but stand your ground. Change your telephone number after you have called her. Do not go out with her anymore. Her lifestyle is totally different from yours. Look around for a wife, not just a girlfriend. She may not come easily, but eventually you will find one.
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